CubaBrief: Video and testimony from Congressional Hearing on “Human Rights in Cuba: Beyond the Veneer of Reform”

Representatives from Center for a Free Cuba, the International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights, and the Committee to Protect Journalists testified before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security, and Trade which is part of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on “Human Rights in Cuba: Beyond the Veneer of Reform.” Below is the video along with the testimonies of the three presenters.

CubaBrief: Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution

Many advocates of socialism claim that the Nordic countries are socialist, but this is not true. Finland (1), Norway (4), Sweden (6), and Denmark (12) rank higher on the annual International Property Rights Indexthan the United States (14). Unlike China (52), Vietnam (76), Venezuela (123), and Nicaragua (111) that all fall far behind the United States. Cuba, and North Korea are not even on the list. No doubt due to the lack of reliable data.

CubaBrief: Normalizing Cuban relations has proven disastrous

In responding to the June 16 Editorial in The Gainesville Sun there was so much to respond to that several facts were left out. One important fact is that OAS General Secretary Luis Almagro, a man of the Left, stated In a December 2018 conference on human rights in Cuba: “It is estimated that there are some 46,000 Cubans in Venezuela, an occupation force that teaches how to torture and repress, that performs intelligence, civil identification, and migration services.”

CubaBrief: Benefactors of Cuban Loot Must Pay Up

Private property rights are also human rights, and their is a moral dimension to their violation that Fergus Hodgson explores in the viewpoint below published today in Epoch Times.

CubaBrief: What should U.S. policy makers expect from Cuba

In the ongoing debate over U.S. Cuba policy and changes between the Obama and Trump Administrations it is useful to look at the facts and the analysis of a Cuba expert with a track record of predicting the behavior of the Castro regime. Below is an important analysis by Professor Jaime Suchlicki of the Cuban Studies Institute published this month in Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. In this article Professor Suchlicki debunks some of the Washington DC establishment's long held beliefs.

CubaBrief: In Case You Missed It...

The ramifications of the injuries to diplomatic personnel in Cuba continue to make news. Reuters reported on May 9, 2019 how the Canadian Embassy in Havana has stopped processing visas.

Activistas LGTBI desafían al régimen. Mas racionamiento de productos básicos. Siguen secuestrados médicos en Kenia. General insta a derrocar a Maduro.

Hoy CUBABrief distribuye este resumen de noticias de Radio Marti, que incluye información sobre varios periodistas detenidos por reportar que activistas de la comunidad LGTBI ignoraron una prohibición del régimen al organizar una marcha alternativa en La Habana y Santiago de Cuba. Radio y Television Marti informa también sobre mayor racionamiento de productos básicos.

Knowledge is power. But what about disinformation?

Many of the things advocated by some political leaders about Venezuela and "socialism" are not true. Senator Bernie Sanders says that socialism is a new idea. It is not. It is an old and discredited idea that failed at a huge cost of suffering, misery and millions of dead everywhere it has been tried. Senator Sanders should know better.