CubaBrief: Russia in Venezuela in the Miami Herald

Sometimes in the midst of a discussion, it is appropriate to look at fundamentals. There is one basic question that those who object to Americans having access to US courts under Title III of the Cuba Libertad Act refuse to entertain: profiting from stolen property. Victims of such crimes in Toronto, Madrid, Paris and elsewhere can and do go to court. 

What are the Russians doing in Venezuela?

According to Administration sources and press reports, yesterday Venezuelan despot Nicolas Maduro was about to flee to Cuba when the Russians told him to stay put.

Victims are not numbers

Each month we feature on Cuba Archive’s Facebook page around eight short case profiles of victims of the Castro regime on the anniversary of their death or disappearance. Generally, cases with photos are selected that represent a cross-section of causes and dates. We hope that these personal stories can convey some sense of the losses involved as well as of the scope and magnitude of the cost in lives of 60 years of Communist “revolution” in Cuba.

142 Prisoners politicos sin derechos en Cuba

La organización no gubernamental Cuban Prisoners Defenders elevó a 142 el número total de prisioneros de conciencia en la Isla, según un informe que ha remitido a DIARIO DE CUBA este lunes y que tiene en cuenta los últimos 15 días del mes de marzo.

Cubans in Florida

Cubans arrived to the United States with nothing. They became what they were denied in their homeland Cubans have had ties to the United States for a long time, particularly with the state of Florida.

Boletín Semanal Convivencia

Esta semana:

  • El Padre Varela, el Referéndum Constitucional y el futuro | Dagoberto Valdés Hernández

  • ¿Comenzará otro período especial en Cuba?| Karina Gálvez Chiú

  • Cuba después del 24 de febrero | Jorge I. Guillén Martínez

  • La ciencia y sus implicaciones políticas | Yoandy Izquierdo Toledo

  • Necesitamos mirarnos con ojos limpios | Rosalia Viñas Lazo


After many years of benign neglect, the world has taken notice of the tragedy, the political and humanitarian crisis, taking place in Cuba and Venezuela. Millions of Venezuelan refugees have fled to neighboring counties, thousands of Cuban soldiers and security forces play an important role in the repression of peaceful demonstrators throughout the country, and Nicolas Maduro, the illegitimate despot, has been denounced by most democracies around the world. Will the Venezuelan military side with the Venezuelan people and their aspiration to regain their freedom? The whole world is watching.