CubaBrief: Nosotros los ‘malnacidos’

Miguel Díaz-Canel está pagando la novatada en Twitter. Llegó tan tarde a esa red social, usada hace más de una década por los activistas cubanos, que está tropezando ahora con aquellas piedras primigenias que tuvimos nosotros en el camino. La primera lección es que todo lo que se diga en la red del pájaro azul no queda ahí, sino que se multiplica y crece por toda la comunidad virtual.

CubaBrief: The New York Times: Cuba sí, yanquis no. SERGIO RAMÍREZ. 1 January 2019.

Este es el primer ensayo de Revolución 60, una serie que conmemora el sexagésimo aniversario de la Revolución cubana. Esta sección reunirá a escritores, intelectuales, artistas, protagonistas, disidentes y partidarios de la Revolución para discutir su papel en el desarrollo histórico de América Latina y sus relaciones con Estados Unidos en los últimos sesenta años.

CubaBrief: Trump Should Veto MLB’s Foul Deal with Cuba

Major League Baseball has made a foul new deal with the Cuban regime, and the Trump administration can and should block it. The deal rewards and perpetuates Cuba’s Communist-style system in which players are the property of the state, not free individuals who can sell their talents on the open market.

FINANCIAL TIMES. Why Cuba’s artists are protesting.

Perched on cliffs and shorelines, hollowed by fissures, their structures so otherworldly they could inhabit a city by Giorgio de Chirico, Alejandro Campins’ paintings of abandoned bunkers warrant their solo exhibition at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam in Havana.


President Bush called on Cuban President Fidel Castro to hold free elections in a broadcast beamed at the island on Monday, holding out the olive branch of improved relations if Castro complies and stopping short of demanding the ouster of the Cuban ruler.

Cuban doctors in Brazil plan lawsuit that claims U.N. agency made $75 million from “slave trade”

After years of telling the world about Fidel Castro’s “admirable humanitarian efforts” to help the sick around the world, many have taken notice that Cuban doctors were being exploited. On the island, Cuban police have visited their families to warn them that doctors who accept Brazil’s offer to pay their full salaries will not be able to see their relatives for eight years. They were not allowed to accompany the doctors as a way to discourage defections. PAHO’s controversial role should be investigated by the international community.

ANDRES OPPENHEIMER: Crece escándalo de los médicos cubanos en Brasil: alegan que la OPS se quedó con $75 millones. The Miami Herald, 29 de Noviembre 2018

El escándalo en torno de los más de 15,000 médicos cubanos que han trabajado en condiciones de virtual esclavitud en Brasil está creciendo: algunos de ellos planean presentar una demanda en Miami contra la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), con sede en Washington. Afirman que la organización regional no solo supervisó el programa, sino que también se embolsó $75 millones de sus fondos.

CUBABrief: The double standards of EU’s dialogue with Cuba

By talking only to the Cuban government and ignoring civil society groups, the EU is allowing the Cuban state to continue its programme of repressing democracy and human rights, write Ariadna Mena Rubio, Rosa Maria Payá and Erik Jennische.

THE DIPLOMAT. What’s Next for Vietnam-Cuba Military Ties?

Late last month, Vietnam’s deputy defense minister paid a visit to Cuba. The trip spotlighted the ongoing activity within the military aspect of the relationship amid a key year in the ties between the two countries.