Havana Alternative Biennial Promoter Luis Manuel Otero Released on Bail

Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara was released on bail from Police custody on Thursday at 4 in the afternoon. His legal situation is still complicated because he is awaiting trial, without a precise date, under the charge of “reception” (for having some bags of sand and cement at his home).

What Trump’s Cuba crackdown will look like | Miami Herald

The days of Americans legally staying at Ernest Hemingway’s Old Havana haunt, the Hotel Ambos Mundos, or making purchases at Havana’s only luxury shopping arcade, will be over under new regulations the Trump administration issued Wednesday as part of a crackdown on U.S. business and travel to Cuba.

The 'denial, exclusion and repression of Afro-Cubans,' 58 years after the Revolution

Denial, Exclusion and Repression is the title of the report on the human rights situation faced by the Afro-Cuban population, drafted by the Citizens' Committee for Racial Integration (CIR). The document was to be presented this month at the home of activist Aida Valdés, but this was impossible because this is "election" season, explained State Security agents to CIR members Juan Antonio Madrazo Luna (National Coordinator) and Marthadela Tamayo.

Communism Through Rose-Colored Glasses

“In the spring of 1932 desperate officials, anxious for their jobs and even their lives, aware that a new famine might be on its way, began to collect grain wherever and however they could. Mass confiscations occurred all across the U.S.S.R. In Ukraine they took on an almost fanatical intensity.”

Cuban Missile Crisis: Who won?

At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, the United States had decisive nuclear superiority over the Soviet Union. This country had more than 400 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) compared to 78 ICBMs in the Soviet arsenal.