CUBA BRIEF: Raul Castro’s Mission Impossible – Cuba travel bubble is popping – Southwest Voter Registration Education Project asked to help Cuban activists

The Associated  Press, The Washington Post and The New York Times reported that Fidel’s “younger” brother has decided to carry out a “mission impossible”. Raul wants “to replace Soviet-era” propaganda with “high-definition broadcasting” using “young” journalists. But insists that media content must remain under Communist Party control.

CUBA BRIEF: Cuba, the next destination for software development?, HSLDA Petitions Cuba: Let Cubans Homeschool, Cubans see few benefits of improved U.S. ties

The Cuba Emprende Foundation promotes in the article below exporting well paying programming jobs to Cuba while paying sub-minimum wages but fails to mention how expensive that 'bargain' could be by ignoring security concerns such as how the Cuban intelligence services could pirate the programs and applications being developed or adding code to monitor and surveil. In the Cuban case there isn't a private service that would provide the programmers but the Cuban regime itself. This problem has already presented itself in Mainland China where The New York Times reported on November 15, 2016 that: "For about $50, you can get a smartphone with a high-definition display, fast data service and, according to security contractors, a secret feature: a backdoor that sends all your text messages to China every 72 hours."

CUBA BRIEF: Family, Freedom and the Oswaldo Payá Prize, 21st Anniversary of Brothers to the Rescue shoot down, Appeasement Never Works

The Washington Post Editorial: A brave act in Cuba deserves American support; Diario de Cuba: Family, Freedom and the Oswaldo Payá Prize by Boris González Arenas; National Review: Appeasement Never Works by George Weigel; NBC6: Mourners Remember 21st Anniversary of Brothers to the Rescue Tragic Flight; The Jerusalem Post: One Israeli killed and eight injured in car accident in Cuba by Laura Sigal

CUBA BRIEF: Rosa María Payá and Castroism's fear, Cuba: Not Such a Hot Destination, Armando Correa’s Novel Seized In Cuba, Cuba is stifling international human rights dialogue

In Havana, Rosa María Payá, President of the Latin American Youth Network for Democracy, was going to bestow the Oswaldo Payá Freedom and Life Award on Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS, and to honor late Chilean President Patricio Aylwin, represented by his daughter, former minister and ex-representative Mariana Aylwin.